Have You Tried Everything For Your Peripheral Neuropathy?
Welcome to Well Being Neuropathy Relief Center in Roseville, CA. We have the privilege of working with people who have neuropathy. Our unique system of treatment helps patients rebuild and regrow nerves through increasing circulation, in-office therapies, home therapies, and through diet and nutrition. Dr. Van Wagenen and his patients are happy with the results that our treatments continue to produce, and we are looking forward to welcoming you into our Roseville office so we can help you manage your neuropathy.
Peripheral Neuropathy is a medical condition in which the nerves in the body are damaged by other medical conditions such as diabetes, chemotherapy, sciatica, and complex regional pain syndrome among many other causes. According to the national Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, “An estimated 20 million people in the United States have some form of peripheral neuropathy” (ninds.nih.gov, 2018). Symptoms from neuropathy include burning and stabbing pain, numbness, tingling, and sensitivity to touch.
At Well Being Neuropathy Relief Center, Dr. Van Wagenen, DCBCN provides neuropathy treatment in Roseville, CA to help patients rebuild and regrow nerves damaged from peripheral neuropathy and chronic pain.
Conditions We Treat
Burning & Stabbing Pain
Many symptoms can range from numbness and tingling to paresthesia (stabbing feelings) and muscle weakness.
Diabetic Neuropathy
Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy is a group of nerve disorders that are directly caused by issues from diabetes.
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
CRPS is a painful condition that causes severe swelling & changes in skin color, temperature, and texture that varies in severity.
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
RSD is a combination of symptoms including pain, tenderness, and swelling in the limbs and it is often accompanied skin conditions.
Postherpetic Neuralgia
PHN is a condition in which pain arises following the healing of an outbreak of rashes or blisters from complication with the shingles virus.
Chemotherapy Induced Neuropathy
CIPN is caused from the drugs and chemotherapy to treat cancer, which damage the peripheral nerves in the process.
Our Doctor